On Cloud Nine – The Benefits of an Air Flotation Base

Wondering what an Air Flotation Base is?  Well, read on!

If you’ve used a precision rotary table designed for large and heavy components, you’ll know that by design it isn’t something that is particularly light.  In fact, typically they can weigh several hundred pounds.  Obviously, that has some benefits, particularly in terms of performance and stability of the unit as part of an integrated measurement system.  This in turn aids repeatability and precision.

Add more flexibility to your working space

If you need to use the workspace it is in for another task, though, it does present a problem in terms of moving it. This is typically an issue when you’re working in an area that is used for multiple metrology tasks, such as a CMM or a granite measuring table.

For example, you might be wanting to perform metrology task that doesn’t need rotary a table.  You might need the space, though.  This is where an air flotation base becomes particularly useful.

Quadrant in use on a CMM
You can utilize space more efficiently by using an Air Flotation Base

In short, the principle of the air flotation base is very simple.  Compressed air is blown through a series of nozzles on the base of the unit.  This creates a hovercraft-like cushion under it.  When the air flotation base is running, you can simply glide the device out of the way and use the space for whatever you like.  Once you’re done, just reverse the process, and put the device back into position.

Easy operation included

A bonus is that the unit can also be operated when loaded with a part.  This means that in circumstances where part positioning is cumbersome, you can move the rotary device to a more optimal position first.  Combine this with additional tooling options for easy part loading and you can get some great efficiency gains.

Safety is integrated, too.  The air flotation base is equipped with an Operator Presence Control.  This means as soon as the operator releases the switch, the air flotation mode deactivates.  That means that in the case of any unexpected obstacles, it’s quick and easy to stop movement and resolve.

The air flotation base is optional on Quadrant Slimline2 and Airmatic+, GeoOrdinate and GeoInspec.  It operates using a clean air supply which can also be supplied if there isn’t already one present in its operating environment.

GeoOrdinate is one of the ranges of products that supports the Air Flotation Base

Specify an air flotation base if you’re limited on space or want extra flexibility.  If you’d like to understand more about the concept we’re always happy to talk to you.

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